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Review: YogaGlo Subscription

October 29, 2012
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When we moved, one of the things I considered (after selecting a new gym) was: where’s my new yoga studio? There are a couple in the area (nothing walkable however), and they would definitely require a bus or car to get me there. Hmm, not always super convenient. I mean, coming home from work on the train and bus, and then coming home and taking a bus to and from yoga didn’t sound especially om-inducing to me.

My new studio is gorgeous, and the teachers I met were just really great. Again, the location and timing of classes seemed to be an issue.

So, looking around for options, I discovered YogaGlo.

It’s an online yoga community, full of classes. You can customize which kinds of classes you’d like to take, too. That includes not only the type of yoga, but the length of time. Up for a 90 minute session? Definitely. Have 15 minutes and need a deep stretch? That’s an option too.

And in super exciting news: there is a section on yoga for runners. I am in heaven. It really seems to target the areas that are most tight on me. My current favorite instructor is Tiffany Cruikshank. I like her direct approach.

So, your first 2 weeks are free, while you try it out. Otherwise, it’s $18 per month, and you get unlimited classes. I think if you’ve been practicing for a while, and you know the basic poses, and how to self-correct, this could be a great idea. Also, if you’re taking a lot of classes, the cost per classes is super cheap!

All in all, I’m pretty excited about it. And once you get your cat off your mat, you are ready to go.

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